Davide Geneletti Associate Professor of Spatial Planning at the University of Trento. Specialized in impact assessment of projects, plans and policies; ecosystem services; multicriteria analysis. Formerly Research Fellow at Harvard University's Sustainability Science Program (2010−11), and Visiting Scholar at Stanford University's Woods Institute for the Environment (2014). He has consulted for private and public bodies internationally, including the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), UN-HABITAT, and the European Commission. Editor of the Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management and Deputy Editor and co-founder of the journal One Ecosystem. Founding member of the start-up company Skopia, specialized in anticipation services for environmental, social and economic planning.
He is a member of the Executive Board and WP leader of the Horizon2020 project Enhancing Ecosystem Services Mapping for Policy and Decision Making (ESMERALDA). ESMERALDA aims to deliver a flexible methodology for pan-European, national and regional ecosystem services mapping and assessment.